Creating a New Affiliate

This guide explains how to create a single affiliate using any deep linking platform. For bulk affiliate sign-ups and to enable affiliates to sign up without your manual intervention, refer to Creating an Affiliate [Affiliate Self Signup].

Step 1: Open the Insert Affiliate Dashboard

Go to the Create Affiliate page on Insert Affiliate and select "Create Affiliate (Admin)".

Step 2: Enter Affiliate Details

Provide the affiliate’s name and email address.

Use any deep linking platform of your choice to create a link that opens your app when clicked. This link will be assigned to the affiliate. Our recommended is

General Steps

  1. Create a Deep Link: Use any deep linking platform to generate a link that opens your app.
  2. Copy the Link: Paste it into the Affiliate Deep Link field in Insert Affiliate.

Example Link

Example: Creating a Link with

  1. Go to Branch Quick Link.
  2. Enter a Link Name (optional).
  3. Skip Analytics Tags
  4. Ensure Redirects are set to "default redirect."
  5. Skip Link Data.
  6. Click Save & Continue
  7. Copy the generated link and paste it into the Affiliate Deep Link field in Insert Affiliate.

Video Walkthrough

Watch this step-by-step video on creating a deep link in and adding it to Insert Affiliate: